
老派的懷念 (I) 日本叔叔- 池上嘉一






Dear Hsuying-san

I heard about his critical condition since this spring,  but it was quite a sad news of His Excellency 李登輝総統閣下's passing. 
He was my most respectable politician in the whole world. and I have recognized him as the 民主国家台湾建国之父。

I hereby express   my deepest and the most sincere condolences to all the people of 中華民国台湾.

Yesterday, I visited 台湾領事館(駐日台北経済文化代表処横浜分処)in Yokohama for the registration signature of 李登輝総統's passing.  As I could see his warmly smiling photo, I could print it in my eyes.

On the other hand,  it is still very difficult to see the outlook of my visiting my brother 勝雄nisan's resting place in near future.
I am trying to find any good news regarding the release of your country’s immigration control everyday. As I do not get any information yet, I have been talking with him. facing to his memorial tablet.

Please let me know if you will get any good information at your side.

Until then,

Best regards,

Uncle Yoshi

* Yoshi is the abbreviation of my first name 嘉一(Yoshikazu)



Dear Uncle Yoshi,

您對Taiwan前總統的厚愛和尊重,完全出我的意料之外! 我有將您的信分享給我的家人看。讓他們知道您是如何欣李總統.李總統在位12年實在對台灣的民主進程是占有很重要的地位。就是要有那樣的理想和襟的人,才能讓台灣在和平中政權轉移。而且,他主張不要太依中國,”戒急用忍”。但相對的,KMT(國民)有許多人很恨他,因為他去中國化讓反對有更多成長的空間。



Have a good day!

Warm Regards,



Dear Uncle Yoshi,

Thank you very much!
Your love and respect for the former president of Taiwan is completely beyond my expectation! I shared your letter with my family. Let them know how you admire President Lee (Mr. Democracy).

President Lee's 12-year reign is a very important part of Taiwan's democratic process. He must be to have lofty ideals and minds to allow Taiwan to transfer power in peace. Moreover, he claimed not to rely too much on China and "no haste, be patient." But on the other hand, many people in the KMT (國民黨) hate him because he "dechinalization" 去中國化 and gives the opposition party more room for growth.

I will also find time to go to his mourning hall before August 16. Share the information from President 蔡英文's FB and Twitter,

The second half of 2020, the COVIN-19 alert has not been lifted, and the epidemic situation has increased. In Taiwan, we still maintain that we must wear masks when taking public transportation, maintain social distancing, and wash hands frequently. Now, maintaining your own health is the most important job. So we must take care of ourselves and arrange a time to meet in the future!

Attached are the photos, that is Taiwan's east coast of sea when I rode a motorcycle to visit it last weekend. There is also the "Moonlight Sea" at night. I hope these photos can make you feel nice!  

Have a good day!

Warm Regards,


