






Ikegami San,

Hope you are very well! Now the situation of Covid-19 epidemic in Taiwan has been stable, and gradually returned to normal life. Our government stopped controlling the distribution of masks since June 7th, and we can send masks to friends abroad. So, I send two boxes of masks for you. Hope to help a little.

The season has entered the hot summer in Taiwan, and the daytime temperatures ranging from 30°C to 35°C. It's really hot. I think Japan is also entering summer, please take good care yourself and your family!

At the same time, I send you the 《遙かなるとき台灣》Traditional Chinese version to you. Today (June 23th ) is 200 days after my father left as a memorial! Thank you for everything you did for my father!

Best Regards,
HsuYing 徐瑛


Dear 徐英,

As 勝雄にいさん  is my brother(盟兄) so that,  I think I can call you 徐英 as my niece(姪)?

So many thanks for your seding 勝雄にいさん's book.  It is really the best one for me as his memorial thing.  One part of m y respecting 勝雄にいさん's many talents  is his language ability he could get by his own alone studying Japanese.   I have heard from him about the translation of the Japanese policeman and how he lived in Taiwan what he wrote.  However I could not find the book in Taipei.

This is quite the best material for  me to study 國語 again and  keep my memory fresh about 勝雄にいさん.

One more thing what  I shold thank you is your sending the masks!   Quite different from Taiwan, we Japanese cannnot cntrol the 武漢肺炎’s ending  yet. and we are actually forced to wear masks almost every time in our lives.

Mask you sent me is also the best rescue for my family!

Here my family and I give you our thanksgiving shawer of our kisses to you.

What I am expecting now is that I can find the air flight which brings me to Taiwan.

Until then,

With my best,best regards,

Yoshikazu Ikegami

池 上 嘉 一
E-mail   mokuren2008@gmail.com
